The importance of sport is evident to most of us. It’s a crucial part of human life from childhood. Students play sport throughout their academic career; from primary school right through to university. To further this, some people also pursue sports as a career. Young people often face adversity and challenges through their teenage and early adult years. As mental health issues in young people are becoming more prominent, basketball is an excellent way of improving the mental wellbeing of youths.
Basketball is a popular sport amongst most people. Basketball involves two teams, and each team has five players. They have to score points by throwing the ball in the basket of opponents, which is 10 feet high, and the team who scores the most points is considered the winner. Basketball is a physical game and requires a lot of strength, but it benefits players in many ways. This game involves using the whole body of a player; mind, body and spirit. This is the best way to exercise, as the player has to jump, run and throw. Basketball is the best way to stay healthy and fit.
Major Benefits
Along with this, basketball provides plenty of benefits to players. Here are some of the major benefits that a basketball player enjoys during the game.
Strong Heart
While playing basketball, the body is constantly moving, which promotes blood circulation and therefore improves the health of the heart, making it strong. The constant movement of the body develops stamina, which determines the health of the heart. This physical activity decreases the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks.
Burns the bad fats
Playing a game like a basketball keeps the balance of calories in and calories out and helps to burn extra fat from the body. This game is based on physical activities like running, jumping and aerobic workout that help to burn calories very quickly. Depending on their fitness level, an average player burns about 600 to 900 calories in an hour while playing basketball. Through this process, it helps to maintain healthy body weight. Youth work in schools actively promotes physical activity for this reason.
Makes muscles and bones strong
The physical practices required for basketball help to make the bones strong. During weight-bearing activities, new tissue is formed. This makes the bones and muscles stronger.
Stress Management
A person who plays basketball can learn stress management skills that help them to overcome anxiety and focus their attention on the task they at hand. This is because basketball requires attention, focus and the concentration of the player. It can help prevent depression and boosts the immune system.
Builds confidence and connection
Basketball is a great way to develop confidence. It helps the player to believe in themselves and trust other teammates. Little achievements and appreciation can build confidence and encourages young people to make all efforts to give their best. Basketball provides young people with the opportunity to interact with other people and promote healthy relationships within a team and to grow together.
Improves Mental Health
Regular physical activity keeps a player active and fresh and increases the mental capability of a person. It improves decision-making skills and builds a sense of responsibility. Sport helps a player to overcome negative emotions and makes them independent. Youth support services can help any young person struggling with mental health issues.
Team player
Basketball helps an individual to become a team player. Sports like basketball provide opportunities for players to grow together and play as a team because this game is not about the individual. Games can only be won through teamwork and team coordination.
There are many more benefits and advantages that a person can enjoy while playing basketball, but overall, basketball can help to make a person healthy and strong.